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A lab specializing in topical drug product formulation and design, equipped with a wide range of equipment for topical formulation testing.

“Innovative Techniques for Enhancing Bioavailability in Topical Dermatological Formulations”

Understanding the Importance of Bioavailability in Topical Dermatological Formulations

As pharmaceutical companies continue to develop new topical dermatological formulations, the concept of bioavailability is becoming increasingly important. This term refers to the degree and rate at which a drug or active ingredient is absorbed into the body’s circulation, and ultimately reaches its target site. In simpler terms, it measures how much of a drug actually gets absorbed by the skin and how quickly it gets there.

In order for a topical dermatological product to be effective, it needs to have optimal bioavailability. If too little of the active ingredient is absorbed, it may not have any therapeutic effect. On the other hand, if too much of an ingredient is absorbed too quickly, it can lead to adverse effects or even toxicity.

Challenges in Achieving Optimal Bioavailability

Developing a topical product with high bioavailability can be challenging for pharmaceutical companies. The skin’s outer layer, known as stratum corneum, acts as a barrier that prevents substances from penetrating into deeper layers of the skin. This layer is made up mostly of lipids and proteins which provide structural support and help maintain hydration levels.

To overcome this challenge, scientists have developed innovative techniques that help enhance bioavailability in topical formulations.


Microemulsions are clear and thermodynamically stable mixtures of oil and water with tiny droplets (less than 100 nm) dispersed throughout. They offer a unique advantage in enhancing bioavailability as they can penetrate through both hydrophobic (lipid) and hydrophilic (water) pathways in the skin’s outer layer.

These emulsions also have excellent solubilization properties which allow for higher concentrations of active ingredients to be incorporated into formulations without compromising stability. Additionally, they can improve drug delivery by selectively targeting specific areas on the skin.


Nanoparticles are tiny particles (1-100 nanometers in size) that have been utilized in topical products to improve bioavailability. They can serve as carriers for active ingredients, allowing for controlled and sustained release of the drug.

The small size of nanoparticles also allows them to easily penetrate through the skin’s outer layer and reach deeper layers, where they can exert their therapeutic effects. Furthermore, these particles have a large surface area which increases their contact with the skin, leading to better absorption.


Liposomes are spherical vesicles made up of a lipid bilayer that closely resembles cell membranes. They have been used in topical formulations to enhance bioavailability by acting as carriers for active ingredients and facilitating their transport through the skin’s outer layer.

These structures can also improve stability and prolong the shelf life of products by protecting sensitive ingredients from degradation. Additionally, liposomes can target specific areas on the skin, making them ideal for delivering drugs to targeted sites.

Partnering with a Top Laboratory

Developing topical dermatological formulations with optimal bioavailability requires expertise and specialized equipment. This is where outsourcing services from top laboratories like Dow Development Labs can be highly beneficial for pharmaceutical companies.

With state-of-the-art facilities and experienced scientists, Dow Development Labs offers a range of services including formula development, method development, packaging, labeling, and product testing. By leveraging innovative techniques such as microemulsions, nanoparticles and liposomes, they can help enhance bioavailability in topical formulations and ultimately improve overall product effectiveness.


Innovative techniques such as microemulsions, nanoparticles and liposomes have revolutionized drug delivery in topical dermatological products by enhancing bioavailability. As pharmaceutical companies continue to develop new treatments for various skin conditions, it is crucial to partner with a top laboratory like Dow Development Labs to ensure optimal bioavailability and improved therapeutic outcomes.

Don’t let the challenges of achieving high bioavailability hinder the success of your topical dermatological product. Contact Dow Development Labs today to learn more about how their services can help you develop effective and safe products for your consumers.

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